Nitin Dahiya is an Indian actor born in Sonipat, Haryana, to Puranmal, a DTC Inspector and Anita Devi, a home maker. Nitin was the second of their two children, with an older brother, Sachin. Nitin saw quite a bit of India during his youth relocating every year before finally settling in Mumbai. After finishing high school, Nitin completed his B.TECH in Electronics & communication from Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana. After college, Nitin started acting classes at the Bollygrad Institute of films & television (BFTI), New Delhi and also worked in MNC company in Delhi NCR. After lock down he moved to Mumbai and started acting and appeared in a movie and was spotted by Shemaroo. His first film The Virus Lockdown with Shemaroo released in late 2021. Thereafter he was seen in Escaype LIVE web series (2022), Invisible killer (2021) and many serials and so on.
Nitin Dhanduke is known for Thankam (2023), Soyrik (2022) and Sukhant (2009).
Nitin Dhongade is known for Agni (2024), Mumbai Diaries (2021) and Project 9191 (2021).
Nitin Dixit is known for Avatarachi Goshta (2014), Aaila Re!! (2006) and Dry Day (2018).
Nitin G. is known for What About Savarkar? (2015), Batliwala Gang and Ashwamedham (2019).
Nitin Ganatra was born on February 21, 1968 in Kenya. He is an actor and writer, known for Bride & Prejudice (2004), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) and EastEnders (1985). He has been married to Meera Thakrar since July 17, 2004. They have two children.
Nitin Goel is known for Mimi (2021), Kuttey (2023) and Taaza Khabar (2023).
Nitin Goel is known for Chor Chor Super Chor (2013), Eeb Allay Ooo! (2019) and School of Lies (2023).
Nitin Guleria is known for Your Honor (2020) and UNI Ki Yaari (2022).
Nitin Gurav is known for Mann Kasturi Re (2022).