Noah Leggott is a young British actor based in London, working in TV, Film and Theatre. His recent credits include Matilda The Musical - Netflix/Working Title (Released December 2022), upcoming drama series Crossfire - BBC/Dancing Ledge Productions (Released Autumn 2022) and playing young Jamie New in Everybody's talking about Jamie - Warp Films/Film 4/Amazon Studios.
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Noah Levi is an actor, known for Die Häschenschule - Jagd nach dem goldenen Ei (2017), Die Häschenschule - Der große Eierklau (2022) and The Voice Kids (Germany) (2013).
Noah Lewis is an actor, known for The Arbors (2020), Nancy Pants (2014) and Loyle Carner: Yesterday (2020).
Noah Littenberg-Weisberg is an actor, known for The Healing Powers of Dude (2020).
Noah Lomax was born on November 7, 2001 in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. He is an actor, known for The Tale (2018), 99 Homes (2014) and Safe Haven (2013).
Noah Lowdermilk is known for First Date (2021) and Getaway (2020).
Noah Luke is known for Moon Crash (2022), Jungle Run (2021) and Thor: God of Thunder (2022).
Noah Manzoor is known for Silverpoint (2022), Secret Level (2024) and Ravi (2024).
Noah Marks is a director and actor, known for My Brothers & Friends! (2020), Heir (2021) and My Frequency (2021).